90 ladders and steps tested at 31 facilities
In December 2023, the annual inspection of ladders and steps in the sewer network was carried out at Eigenbetrieb Stadtentwässerung Böblingen (SEBB). 31 facilities with a total of about 90 ladders were checked for defects in accordance with DIN EN 14396, DIN 19555 and DIN 1211. The inspected facilities in the city of Böblingen included storm water overflow and purification basins as well as storm water retention tanks. The inspection was carried out by our occupational safety specialist Anne-Marie Brixy, supported by two employees of Böblingen/Sindelfingen technical operations (ZV-TBS). Any defects were recorded digitally as a list, along with the respective repair measures.
Logging via the “upkeepr” app
The “upkeepr” app, which was developed specifically for this type of task, was used to record the ladder inspection on site via a tablet. It was therefore possible to add inspection results, photos and comments directly after the respective inspection process, thus reducing the amount of follow-up work to a minimum.
Safety always comes first!
When inspecting ladders, various safety aspects must be taken into account. For climbing heights of more than three meters, the climbing person must be protected against falling with suitable safety equipment. A tripod can be set up above the shaft for this purpose, alternatively there are cable or rail-guided ladder systems. In addition to the risk of falling, explosive atmospheres can build up in the sewer system. Gas monitors are therefore also used to ensure the safety of manholes during the ladder inspection.