Manhole and sewer rehabilitation at Brunnenstraße, Böblingen

Brunnenstraße is one of the main streets of Böblingen, leading through its centre. In early 2016, Eigenbetrieb Stadtentwässerung Böblingen tasked IWR GmbH with the planning and construction supervision for the manhole and sewer rehabilitation at Brunnenstraße.

In addition to the renovation of seven manholes of a depth of up to seven metres as well as the rehabilitation of 400 metres of a main sewer with an oval-shaped section DN 600 / 900 and 700 / 1050, a specific challenge consisted in the strict requirement to begin and complete all work within 6 weeks.

Together with the firms carrying out the work and Eigenbetrieb Stadtentwässerung Böblingen, we were able to finish this demanding project before the deadline.